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PRESCRIBE is used to search for use limitations on pesticides that may harm species listed as endangered or threatened by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, or harm habitat critical to those species’ survival:

  1. To begin your PRESCRIBE search, tap the "Begin Search" button in the application's homescreen.
  2. Enter your location information. This can be done in one of two ways:
    1. Select your County, then select your Township and Range information. Or
    2. Using the GPS-capability of your mobile device, toggle the "Use My Location" switch to "On" to have your device enter the information for you based on your physical location.
    Once your location information is entered, tap the "Submit Location" button.
  3. If there aren't any species found for your location, you can perform a search for a different location. Otherwise, enter a Product Name, keyword, or EPA Registration # and tap "Search".
  4. If there are any matching products, they are listed in alphabetical order. To view a full report on a particular product, tap its name.
  5. The full report contains the following details for an individual product in the specified location:
    • Active Ingredients
    • Use Limits (if any)
    • Protected Species in the area